PRIORITY #5: Leverage Arts & Culture as an Economic Engine

Cultural Tourism

  1. Cultural Expression in Public Spaces: Leverage the success of Akron Civic Commons to allow experimental strategies for infusing culture into Akron’s public spaces. During construction of new public spaces or renovation of existing public spaces, allow cultural expression to occur on public assets such as sidewalks, parks, alleyways, construction fences, and soon-to-be-demolished buildings.

  2. Cultural Tourism Task Force: The Akron/Summit Convention and Visitors Bureau, in partnership with ArtsNow, will develop a Cultural Tourism Task Force. This task force will be made up of content experts, key stakeholders, and others to develop a strategic vision to highlight Akron and Summit County as a cultural destination.

  3. Akron Branding Campaign: Invest in a large-scale branding campaign to showcase Akron as a place where arts, culture, entertainment, and recreation are at the core of its identity. This campaign would require significant investment to identify the community-driven value proposition and appropriately position the city.

Creative Economy

  1. Creative Economy Assessment: Explore and implement a countywide assessment of the creative economy in Summit County, with a breakout of data relative to Akron. The assessment should contain points such as:

    • Major creative occupations;

    • Major creative occupations by median hourly wage;

    • Major creative industries;

    • Areas of regional specialization;

    • Industries with location quotient greater than 1.00; and

    • Other areas as identified with City, County, and economic development partners.

  2. Recommendations from Creative Economy Assessment: The creative economy research should result in meaningful assessments of data with recommendations developed with and for economic development, education, and government partners.

  3. Creative Economic Summit: Explore the development of a biannual Creative Economic Summit in conjunction with local arts agencies, cultural institutions and partners, economic development and entrepreneurial support efforts, and education partners.

Economic Vibrancy

  1. Cultural Data Observatory: Develop a cultural data observatory which would collect all available data to create a baseline database that could be used to measure the impact of cultural infrastructure and investments.

  2. Support Elevate Greater Akron: Support the Greater Akron Chamber, County of Summit, City of Akron, and GAR Foundation in the work surrounding Elevate Greater Akron as key to the economic health of greater Akron by:

    • Resourcing the Minority Owned Business committee and the Women Owned Business Committee with artists and creative business leadership;

    • Being intentional in resourcing black artists as part of the strategy for Opportunity Akron;

    • Supporting Bounce Innovation Hub and Creative Startups as they explore how to engage and support artists and/or creative businesses.

  3. Regional Arts Economy: Ensure regional economic development efforts not only include, but fully leverage arts, culture, and the creative economy.

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