HOME Project Builds Community
“HOME” is a project rooted in the neighborhood of West Hill in Akron, OH and created by the Chameleon Village. The project was sparked by recent efforts by the West Hill Neighborhood Organization (WHNO) to expand the live/work zoning in the neighborhood. “HOME” surveyed West Hill, hosted interviews with residents asking them what HOME meant to them, and created a site-specific theatre inside of a house in West Hill.
In the performance, three women search for healing by entering the walls of their minds. This site-specific performance was created out of a tapestry of interviews collected from residents of West Hill in Akron, Ohio and the research and exploration of the Chameleon Village Theatre Collective ensemble. Information connected during survey will continue to be used to keep residents connected to one another and inform development in the neighborhood.
The HOME project is an ongoing workshopping and development process, allowing the ensemble to build this new performance. Interested in sponsoring the next iteration (creation process and presentation) of the HOME project? Reach out to The Chameleon Village at TheChameleonVillage@gmail.com.
Maya Nicholson performing in second HOME workshop performance, image taken by Neema Bal
Maya Nicholson, Tessa Gaffney, Josy Jones, in first HOME workshop performance. Image by John Aylward.
Trailer recap of HOME workshop performance 2
Video summary of Josy Jones teaching an interactive workshop led by the prompt "What does HOME mean to you?", showing one of the exercises the ensemble used in their creation process.