PRIORITY #1: EQUITY Prioritize Equity for All
In Akron, we believe that people of all ages, races, genders, orientations, religions, abilities, means, and backgrounds must have access to and participate in the making of a thriving cultural scene.
We must build more equitable practices so that all Akron residents and guests can co-create the future of Akron's arts and culture.
Together, we have work to do.
1.1 Organizational Support for Historically Marginalized Groups
Create opportunities for resources and peer-to-peer support for historically marginalized groups
Black Artists Guild: Develop a Black Artists Guild that supports Black and African-American artists in Akron and Summit County.
Cultural Equity Statements: Encourage and empower cultural organizations to develop and adopt cultural equity statements for their organizations. This can be completed by:
Hosting cultural competency training facilitated by diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility consultants; and
Hosting cultural equity statement workshops with other organizations that have adopted cultural equity statements.
1.2 Storytelling & Programming:
Expand and create initiatives that support cultural identity and traditions of all residents
Cultural Identity Support: Create and expand local cultural and historic initiatives (including music, art, heritage, food, and more) that support the cultural identity and traditions of all of Akron’s residents. This specifically includes:
Expanding and supporting diverse cultural engagement programming that promotes an increase in authentic engagement with and exploration of all cultures by Akron residents. This investment, over time, will increase local support for different cultural experiences and could include expanding cultural programming in public facilities to serve diverse culture consumers. Expanded programming could resemble rotating collections and programs focused on community heritage and cultural literacy, presentations of local artists, presentations of cooking classes, shared meals with people of different cultures, and spaces that encourage intergenerational dialogue.
Investing in the expansion and creation of festivals that celebrate, engage, and inform the Akron community about the rich history of the region as well as the diversity of our community.
Heritage Storytelling: Support existing efforts to advance the collection and documentation of oral histories and community heritage, preserving residents’ stories for current and future generations. This program will prioritize storytelling through recorded interviews with residents whose stories are in danger of being lost and will support the work of community historians interested in oral history projects throughout the city.
1.3 Equity in Leadership:
Understand the landscape of leadership equity in Akron and develop pathways towards parity
Akron Nonprofit Leadership Assessment: Conduct a new assessment to help understand the makeup of boards and leadership of nonprofit cultural organizations in Summit County. This work should build on the effort initiated by GAR Foundation in 2015 which serves as a benchmark and work to ensure greater representation on nonprofit decision-making bodies for all people, including, but not limited to:
African Americans
People of Color
Members of LGBTQ+ community
New Americans
Older Adults
People of various faith backgrounds
People with disabilities (visible and invisible)
Young Leaders (18-40)
High School Students (15-18)
Leadership Equity Task Force: Identify an existing group or create a task force that assists cultural organizations in diversifying their boards, leadership, and programming.
This task force could be responsible for:
The development of a process for cultural organizations who want to achieve parity on boards and in leadership roles within their organizations.
The development of leadership programming for members of historically marginalized groups.
City Leadership Landscape Study: Support the City of Akron's ongoing diversity efforts by providing a report on the diversity of appointed board members and commissioners, as well as staff.
As part of the study outcomes, assist the City in ensuring boards, commissions, and staff members represent the full diversity of our community by connecting them with under-represented groups including, but not limited to:
African Americans
People of Color
Members of LGBTQ+ community
New Americans
Older Adults
People of various faith backgrounds
People with disabilities (visible and invisible)
Young Leaders (18-40)
High School Students (15-18)