SEEN Project Celebrates Diversity and Vibrancy of Summit County Arts and Culture

In 2023, ArtsNow piloted a project titled SEEN: Advancing Equity in Summit County. The idea was conceived by the Arts and Culture Inclusion Council, with the goal to establish a database of marketing images that authentically represent the diversity of Summit County’s arts and culture sector.

Photo by Robert R. Greer, Sr.

Through SEEN, ArtsNow invested in local photographers and videographers to capture content highlighting the diversity of patrons, artists, and performers from across Summit County, showing people of all ages, races, backgrounds, and abilities enjoying and making art. These images were then shared with countywide organizations that funded the project to be used in marketing, with the knowledge that for diverse audiences and artists to feel comfortable attending events and pursuing careers in the arts, they must see people who look like them represented in the arts and in the media.

The intended outcome for SEEN is backed by data. Research shows that representation in business leads to more efficient ad spend. According to Entrepreneur, 62% of consumers report that inclusivity impacts their perception of a brand. Storyblocks’ Diversity in Video Report revealed that 59% of consumers say they are more likely to trust a brand whose ads feature people who look like them.

With this in mind, ArtsNow secured funding from the Akron/Summit Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Ohio Arts Council, Summit DD, Barberton Community Foundation, and Direction Home: Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities to fully implement SEEN.

Photo by Bruce Ford

The SEEN database is composed of hundreds of high-quality photos and videos from local talent including Dale Dong, Bruce Ford, Rob Greer, Tyron Hoisten, Ilenia Pezzaniti, and Elizabeth Tipton. In 2023 and 2024, these photographers and videographers traveled to shoot locations and events in Summit County, capturing dynamic and vibrant images that truly show the region’s arts and culture sector at its best.

Photo by Dale Dong

In 2023 and 2024, SEEN focused on Akron, Barberton,and Green, and included the following shoot locations and events:

  • Akron Art Museum

  • Akron PRIDE

  • Akron Soul Train

  • Art-A-palooza (City of Green)

  • ArtSparks Dance Rehearsal

  • Barberton Mum Festival

  • Heinz Poll Summer Dance Festival

  • The Nightlight

  • PorchRokr

  • Sojourner Truth Plaza

  • Summit Artspace

  • Summit Metro Parks

  • Tuscany on Tusc

  • White Rabbit Galleries

Photo by Ilenia Pezzaniti

The photographers/videographers and the participants have shared about their positive experiences with the project. Robert R. Greer Sr., photographer/videographer and owner of ZaBre Inspire, said, “Being a part of SEEN has reassured the foundation of joy for me; the moments of freedom as an artist. This project allowed me to capture some of the most amazing artists, entrepreneurs, and businesses who are making a difference in their respective cities. I'm honored to be a small part of the big picture, and appreciate the staff of ArtsNow for encouraging my point of view.”

Robert R. Greer Sr., Photo by Elizabeth Tipton

Through SEEN, the photographers and videographers documented the vibrancy of events large and small in the region. SEEN photographer Elizabeth Tipton stated, “Akron PRIDE was so vibrant, so filled with joy, so clearly a place of genuine acceptance and love. Everyone deserves to feel this way and to be supported as exactly who they are. I feel so lucky to have gotten the chance to document it as part of an ArtsNow initiative to build an inclusive database of content that’s actually representative of our community.”

Photo by Elizabeth Tipton

SEEN also brought community members together in new ways. “SEEN provided a way for our students to interact with artistic professionals outside of the realm of dance. Through being a part of the SEEN initiative, our students were given the opportunity to learn more about what a professional career in the arts may look like, ” said Chloe J. Redman, Advanced Teams Coordinator at ArtSparks.

Chloe Redman, Photo by Elizabeth Tipton

Above all, SEEN prioritized authenticity, striving to accurately represent the arts and culture sector. “I am a fan of candid moments and I think the fun and exploration of the moment is really evident in those images,” said Althea Jones, artist and SEEN participant.

Althea Jones, photo by Elizabeth Tipton

For more information about SEEN, contact ArtsNow at

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